Monday, November 26, 2007

Gravity and love

I personally feel that its not quite possible to have a unified field theory, but i could be wrong.. of the four fundamental forces of nature (Electromagnetic, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force and gravitation).. the physicists could unify three of them except gravity .!.. now, gravity has been mind boggling scientists for a long time and it will continue to... no one knows how to explain it..

gravity is so puzzling that it can even bend light.. so who knows ? who knows what this creation is governed by (this assumes that its governed by some rules and someone should know it) ?.. this reminds me of a sloka from Rg Veda which used to feature on 'bharat ek khoj' on DD long time ago

Rg Veda: book 10: hymn 129

kima-siddh dono vyoma paroyat
kima-vareeyah? kuh? kasya sharmannamvah?
kima-siddh gahanam gabheeram...

Who really knows, and who can swear,
How creation came, when or where!
Even gods came after creation's day,
Who really knows, who can truly say
When and how did creation start?
Did He do it? Or did He not?
Only He, up there, knows, maybe;
Or perhaps, not even He.

so who knows ? this is the intersection of a question and a wonder.. wow ! who knows !.. such an awesome creation .!. who am i ! what is happening inside me and all around me ! wonder how these emtions come ! wonder who all these people are ! and that is bliss (u shud see ashtavakra gita tapes to appreciate this more)

anyways.. talking about gravity.. Gurudev says.. gravity of earth is the love of earth for us.. so probably gravity is love ! and love cant be understood or explained (anirvachayniyam prema svarupam , Narada Bhakti Sutras) .. that could be the missing link.. who knows !


will write more on a later day

All glories to my Gurudev, the emobodiment of all knowledge


Birjoo Vaishnav said...

Wow Beautiful translation!
I didnt know you were a poet!

Anonymous said...

Great work!! Keep going...